
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekly Music Industry Session Show

The Producer Camp is geared to empowering the Music producers, songwriters, beat-makers, aspiring musicians and more. LadySonya Music Studio LLC. was established back in 2008 to teach students to read sheet music along with playing by ear. LadySonya began to branch out late Fall 2008 to help producers. The Producer Camp main goal is to focus on the Music Industry! 

Beginning Tuesday, July 3rd 2012, LadySonya will begin LIVE STREAMING of Music Industry Music Theory knowledge. If you're interested in learning the fundamentals for ground up, you'd definitely want to tune in. The outline of each course will be shown on the "LIVE SHOW" tab. 

"I'm very passionate about what I do. To be successful at anything you must love it. I eat, sleep, breathe music. Every since I could walk I've been in love with music and it's my passion to introduce & help others grow the same love for it (music)". - LadySonya (Follow on twitter @iamladysonya

Don't forget to TUNE IN to the FIRST LIVE STREAM of LadySonya breaking down the language of MUSIC!!!!! 

Be sure to JOIN the Mailing LIST for upcoming events CLICK HERE 

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