The Producer Camp is geared to empowering the Music producers, songwriters, beat-makers, aspiring musicians and more. LadySonya Music Studio LLC. was established back in 2008 to teach students to read sheet music along with playing by ear. LadySonya began to branch out late Fall 2008 to help producers. The Producer Camp main goal is to focus on the Music Industry!
Beginning Tuesday, July 3rd 2012, LadySonya will begin LIVE STREAMING of Music Industry Music Theory knowledge. If you're interested in learning the fundamentals for ground up, you'd definitely want to tune in. The outline of each course will be shown on the "LIVE SHOW" tab.
"I'm very passionate about what I do. To be successful at anything you must love it. I eat, sleep, breathe music. Every since I could walk I've been in love with music and it's my passion to introduce & help others grow the same love for it (music)". - LadySonya (Follow on twitter @iamladysonya)
Don't forget to TUNE IN to the FIRST LIVE STREAM of LadySonya breaking down the language of MUSIC!!!!!
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Beat maker vs Music Producer....
Which one are you?
Yesterday it all clicked. I've been training Music Producers since 2008 and it finally hit me. I've worked with aspiring as well as major Artist/Producers and now I get it. Some beat makers really think they've got it all figured out.... they think they're Music Producers. <Blank Stare>
This blog is not to insult but to put an end to the false claiming of Music Producers. How dare you use 3 keys on the midi- controller and claim you're the best producer ever? Your tracks has no bridge nor chord-progressions (you don't even understand how to build chord-progressions) and you claimed you're a Music Producer???? You tapping a beat machine or creating your beat through the computer software and you got the never to call yourself a Music Producer... (some have been brave to even call themselves Musicians)! Lastly, you're making beats in 10minutes to go to the next.... hmmm. I (LadySonya @IamLadySonya) can write this blog because yes, I've put in and is still putting in work. Been playing the piano since age 9 and have taken Music Theory course all through college... I'm constantly stretching my brain to learn more about music to say the least.
What is a Beat Maker?
A beat maker makes beats, nothing more, nothing less. I was having a photo shoot once and asked my photographer a general question "What makes a person a model?" He didn't respond with an answer but with another question "What makes a person a musician?". I thought about it. He went to say, if he knew the notes on a piano or even knew how to play just one song would he be considered a musician. Heck no. Same goes to a beat maker. Just cause they can make beats doesn't mean they are a producer. A beat maker is in a process. They are learning how to actually produce music. The beat maker just simply makes the beats and possibly sells them for others to do whatever. He/She isn't there to direct and instruct the artist on how to bring the track out. A beat maker has absolutely no influence of whats going on with the track. The good thing about being a beat maker is you have no control of the success of the track. If you called yourself a "Producer" and the music on the track was wack... guest what... you're considered wack.
What is a Music Producer?
A Music Producer takes on a great deal of responsibility to create, shape and mold a piece of music into their vision for the artist's mixtape/album. Along with that to say the least, a music producer also coaches and directs the musicians to bring the best out of the production created. A music producer job is far more than just the beat but also the completion of the song as a whole. He/She works with the songwriter, engineers and artist to develop the production as a whole. He/She may hire in musicians to come in and play live instruments on the track. The Music Producer understands he's in charge of everything that goes on with the composition or he/she is held accountable for a song that went bad. Some Music Producers have beat makers signed to them but at the end of the day... the music producer is held accountable for the track.
So, there you have it. If you've been false claiming you can stop today. It's okay to be either. Just be the best. I didn't mention anything about musicians. Will address that if needed.
What are your thoughts?
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LadySonya @iamladysonya
The Producer Camp @TheProducerCamp
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Welcome to The Producer Camp powered by LadySonya Music Studio LLC.
We're so excited to launch the blog for The Producer Camp. We have so much in store for our members of the camp. If you'd like to pre-register (CLICK HERE) & fill out the form....hey, it's free. We're working to build a new union of talented and skilled producers. The private & semi-private sessions will be held by our founder LadySonya who is known in the Atlanta area for training aspiring and major music producers to be skilled by theory and ear training skills. Read more on (Meet Founder) tab. Stay tuned. LadySonya will also be offering FREE, yes you heard right..... F-R-E-E weekly piano sessions via Skype to help beginners learn the basic foundation of learning the piano. If you have any suggestions email them to
Stay connected & be sure to register online.
- The Producer Camp Team